Ever heard of Taco Tuesday? Fun fact: we started it! That’s how seriously we take tacos.
If you love Taco Tuesday like we do, let’s schedule a meeting! You set reminders for everything from weddings, to appointments, to games, so why not for TACOS? No more “oh snap, what’s today?”
Don’t miss out on our specially-priced Crispy Beef Tacos just because you forgot it was Tuesday.
Click below to add a weekly Taco Tuesday reminder to your calendar!
Add Taco Tuesday to Your Calendar
This isn’t just a meeting – it’s a MEATing!
Taco Tuesday deals may vary by location.
Want the easiest way to keep up with everything we do? You want Taco John's - now available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It's a whole new way to get your crunch on.